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First off, it’s incredibly important to acknowledge your place in all of this. You, me and the rest of the friends and fans here are what makes all this possible. We’re a team creating new art and animation for everyone to enjoy. I would not be here without you and your support; over the last few years it’s been an absolute pleasure creating and improving my art for you to enjoy. I hope you understand how much you’ve helped me. Obviously financial support is very welcome but it’s important to me you enjoy all this art I’m making. So, thank you again, I appreciate you.

This update has a couple of big topics so read through everything if you’re interested. I’ll lay out an index of what’s in here you just want to jump to different parts.

  • Part 1: Animation tier poll
  • Part 2: Hug Pool results
  • Part 3: Art trades and collaborations with other artists

Animation tier poll

Every single month we do an animation tier poll. I use that poll to see what the animation tier enjoys and what they might want to see more of. The poll is something I take seriously and it helps guide the direction of the animations and the stories for the animations. I’ll jump in with the results from this month to give you an idea of how I use the poll and your feedback.

First off, the question I always ask in every single poll is overall preferences for breast expansion, giantess growth, and female muscle growth. For me this is something to help me understand the general tone of the people voting. I realize not everybody votes and I know I’m probably not getting a perfect cross-section of the Patreon but it’s an interesting number nonetheless. This month we had breast expansion the most popular with female muscle growth right behind it and giantess growth farther down. That’s not too surprising, I find giantess growth tends to be in last place most of the time and that’s okay. Breast expansion and female muscle growth tend to be in the top two spots which makes sense given the focus of my Patreon.

The next thing I do in almost every poll is layout a cross-section of various things people might enjoy in a specific animation. This can include a specific type of growth or a focus on a specific types of growth. This can include clothes destruction, hair growth, hip growth etc. The goal is to get ideas for possible focus in the upcoming animations. I want to stress the poll for these questions tends to be aimed at animations down the line. It would be very difficult if not impossible for me to take the results of let’s say September’s poll and implement them in September’s animation. There just isn’t enough time. What I do is make notes of what people like and integrate those notes into animations as reasonably as I can. It’s not a perfect one-to-one ratio. Just because something got a high vote doesn’t mean it’s going to land front and center in next month’s animation. That said I do take the poll and your input as a guide of what to focus on.

For instance in this poll we had big butts, facial expressions and ladies interacting with butts and boobs as highlights. Haha! It should also be noted things like underwear and footwear destruction always placed pretty well in the polls and I can understand that. I do my best to incorporate some version of those in the ongoing animations.

I realize there is no way to make everyone perfectly happy with every single animation. I do my best to vary things and still focus on widely enjoyed ideas. I also work to drop in some of the more esoteric things like nails growing or nipple expansion when I can.

Hug Pool results

Once again, the hug pool was a great hit we had almost twice as many people giving away hugs as we did asking for hugs. For that, everybody gets a hug! It’s really heartwarming to see this poll go up and how people vote. It means a lot to me to see people being nice to each other for no other reason than being nice. Personally, I feel we could use as much of that in today’s world is possible. In fact, I think we can use as much of that is possible all the time.

Art trades and collaborations with other artists

I mentioned this particular subject since I get asked from time to time about doing an art trade or some sort of a collaboration with other artists. You guys have seen some of the fantastic stuff we’ve gotten from Chrisxas137 (https://www.deviantart.com/chrisxas137) and Solstice (https://www.deviantart.com/solstice38) if you haven’t already checked out their deviantART pages I highly recommend you do. They have a lot of fantastic creations for people to enjoy.

That’s all for now but I can assure you there’s more art and animation coming your way. Every single one of you has tons of rewards they can download at the links below. There are pages of art, comics as well as movies available to the various tiers.

Thank you again for your support and I look forward to bringing you more art and animation. Talk with you soon.


Richard Handy

Now I'm just imagining you in an Abe Lincoln costume when saying this whole paragraph.