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Hey all and hope each of you is doing well!

We have more previews on the way as well as lots of downloads for each and everyone here. 

I'm working on your latest and greatest movie at the moment and having a blast. It's been a busy month doing art and I have a couple new ideas for the comics that might interest even those who don't normally read them!

Possible New Comic Ideas!

So, I was thinking about shortening the comics down to a sub-30 page level (versus the current 200 plus pages) and adding in things like color. Clearly this is a big change from what I am doing now where comics are mostly black and white line work. 

This is something I have thought about for a while and I feel a changeup might be good not just for you the reader but for me. A lot of what I learn from drawing the comics has gone straight to the animations and adding color to the comics is likely to bring a lot of practice I can apply directly to the animation work.

There's a lot to unpack with that idea still but wanted to put it out there for anyone who checks out the comics regularly. To be clear - I intend to wrap up ALL the current comics in production (at least until GLab 51). There will still be GLabs beyond that as well! Nothing is stopping, more like shifting into a new direction.

At any rate, I will keep everyone posted on the haps. In the meanwhile - go GRAB YOUR REWARDS! You earned them!


We have ALL THIS YEAR'S comics available for your to get right now.

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