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Remember this? https://www.patreon.com/posts/71059759

Folks, look how awesome you are! LOOK AT IT! More people were willing to GIVE hugs than take one! 

In other words, we could have all GIVEN and TAKEN a hug but MANY of you just gave one way - ostensibly to someone who needed it.

I know this is not a definitive marker of humanity's goodness but I like to think it's an honest glimpse into who we really are. The world can seem wacky, dark and dismal at times but remember - we are willing to help each other. That's the way things work. I'm not saying there aren't bad or misguided apples in the bunch but WAY more people are good than you might think.

If you have a moment today, look around you. I mean AROUND you at the people you see. The ones you live near, walk by or come in contact with. Try a smile or a wave 'hello'. You may bring a little bit of happiness into someone's day. We all could use it and you may make all the difference to someone. For the most part, simple kindness costs you nothing and means so much to the recipient. 

Love you all and BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE! 

Take care and talk with you soon!





Yes, I think that I will be more attentive to people and smile at people more, because it's so nice when someone smiles at you.


So true and thank you!!! The more we spread the kindness the more it returns to us. Appreciate the kind words!