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The comics are always fun to draw and as I have mentioned many times - they are the workshop for the animations.

Currently, I'm working on a modified inking style. I switch around every now and then to vary up the art and see if I can find something interesting and fun. The animations are all drawn with what amounts to a fine ink pen. The comics switched out a while back to a more 'pencil' like tool. Recently, I started working with a brush tool for them (like above). I had forgotten how much I like the line work from a nice brush. Your mileage may vary of course!

About the comic preview: this issue sees the introduction of the gargoyles. These are extra terrestrial beings who created the growth energy. We find out why they did this and what our crews from the Coalition and USAF are doing to stop them. It all starts in Part 2 of Jubilee!

Enjoy the preview and thank you for your support!

Back to work on YOUR animations and art for this month!

Talk with you soon!




Richard Handy

Moreau looks great in that pose. So defiant and huge.