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**APOLOGIES! I set up a poll with the ability to only pick one thing! I had to delete and restart to fix it! HAVE AT IT!!!**

I  want to start with a HUGE thank you to every single one of you. Some are new to my Patreon and MANY of you are back month after month to support your old pal Ready with your ducats.

For that I thank you all. I have the privilege of getting up each morning and doing something I really love. Transformation art! I also get to share it with you directly and our little community of friends and fans.

The Patreon has been active for over six years and in the last three or so we added animations. Everything took off from there. You are the core of our group and I want to make sure you're getting as much value as possible.

If you haven't seen the latest preview, check it out. If not, no worries.

I wanted to check in with everyone and see how you are doing and get a room read of how you are viewing the animations and the tier in general. I made a quick poll and you can vote or comment as you like. It's off the cuff so take it in the spirit of harmony and feedback. I am always open to bringing you more art and animation if I can.

Thank you again and talk with you soon!




We forgive you old pal 😘


Despite not usually having time to sit down and watch the movies, I look at every preview posted as I check my emails and I love what I see!