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So this came up in our Discord channel (which you all have access too!).

I was asked about more mythological-like characters in the Growth Lab and I have considered it for Growth Lab comics. During the course of the comics we're introduced to "The Wall" which is a source of growth energy at the edge of our solar system. From there we uncover where the growth energy comes from and how it got there. At one point we meet what SEEM to be guardians of the energy and she is one of them. 

Artemis Shaw was one of the first pilots to use the interplanetary space engines the current fleet uses. She was thought lost during and early flight but NOPE, turns out she was changed when she encountered the Wall. What happened and how she got there as well as her abilities are all coming down the line in the comics. Needless to say my first direction with her was as some sort of super charged goddess figure.

Enjoy the preview and THANK YOU for your support!


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She kind of looks and sounds like there's a certain amount of original Star Trek in her design.


Wow - what a great callback and I can see that. Something like "Who Mourns for Adonais?" from TOS!