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Just a quick calendar update with some EARLY news for events (way?) down the line. 

I am TENTATIVELY looking into putting some of my older(at this point) work on a Gumroad store.

Before I get rolling into any details I want to assure you my goal is ALWAYS to give you patrons here THE VERY BEST VALUE. That will never change. As I see it, the ones who are continuously supporting me along with all the others here on Patreon.com will get EXCLUSIVE art and/or EARLY art. Things like comics do end up previewing here and moving to my main site free galleries and I do show low resolution GIF previews outside the Patreon but by and large all the early and exclusive work is HERE! I LOVE YOU!

OK, that said, I am looking for ways to allow those who want OTHER means to support me access to my work. Somethings I am considering

  • Packaging older comics in PDFs and selling them to people. Of course people can just get access to the comic tier here and have ALL THAT TOO but this is for people who might prefer supporting me in other ways. Hey, fair play to all.
  • Packaging all the high res art packs up for resale in a store. Again, same as above. Getting access to the Patreon at ANY level gets ALL those packs but maybe some would enjoy them separately or outside of Patreon.

As for movies and GIFs. That's up in the air at the moment. I'm testing the waters and want to ensure I keep the right balance between a store and this Patreon. Things like opening up my main site with a store are also possible and I HAVE toyed with making my main site a "Patreon-like" destination. At the moment though - Patreon is the best way to do Patreon-like things. haha.

I'll keep you posted but know this - the Patreon is and will continue to be the best "deal" when it comes to getting my latest and greatest.

Hope you agree and love you all! 

Take care and GRAB YOUR REWARDS! 



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