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OK folks - we just wrapped up Bikini Party and we are heading towards EIGHT hours of transformation movies so let's talk about what's next.

I'm making a poll to drop your thoughts on things you might enjoy in upcoming animations. As always - I can't guarantee every single thing will happen but I use polls to keep bringing you work you enjoy.

File Delivery

As a side note, I'm always looking into new ways to get you movies and downloads that are reasonable, doable and allow a secure method for ME and YOU access to the files. Right now, the most reasonably place for movies is here on Patreon.com. The NEXT most secure place is my own site. Things like Gumroad, Mega Storage, Itch.io and many others are possible options but they leave a little to be desired in terms of time and effort required to get people keys, links and the various month to month setup ON TOP of the ones I will do for Patreon overall. Remember it's just me doing all this and time factors in. That said - if you have ideas, please feel free to post.

Animation Story Direction

Did you enjoy Bikini Party? Want to see more lighthearted stuff with all the transformations you like? Well, here's a chance to weight in. If you enjoy the more 'serious' (relatively speaking) Growth Lab stuff with space adventures, military machinations and more - that's still there!

Characters and Locations

Want to see more? You tell me!

Transformation types

Have a transformation type you think might fit into the Ready Art universe? I'd love to know. Right off the bat I have to toss in the disclaimer if you have not seen me do it already there is a chance it's not in my wheelhouse or interest. I don't want to discourage people from tossing out ideas but I do need to throw that out there.

OK - check out the poll!

Comments and questions are welcome!!!!




Richard Handy

As an aside inspired by Furry Murr: the idea of Mythical figures visiting one day might be fun. Imagine if the Goddess Aphrodite started growing because of all the passion the Growth energy was causing? Or maybe Artemis becomes a muscle maid to hunt down the muscle ladies as the greatest challenge? Or Zeus being his usual lecherous self and decides to add some of the girls to his string of conquests? There's always a lot of fun with mythical beings being guest visitors.


Ok that just sounds awesome the idea of a growing Aphrodite sounds really interesting.


Love it and gives me some ideas! Thank you for the suggestion - appreciate you taking a moment to write it out. -Ready


Would like to see some mythic type transformations appear over time, like suggested by some peeps here in the chat, where the growth type the character in question goes through is related to the kind of being they take on aspects of/get inhibited by. The mythic transition could then represent the ultimate stage of some characters, where their bodies are a fit "vessel" for the entity in question, somewhat like how devilfruits work in the one piece manga. Like if we got a transformation featuring weight gain, we could get a generator type character that also goes through a hourglass giantess type growth, which after a point leads to them getting "possessed" by a nature goddess who merely wants to spread the growth. Other than that, I would also like to see some more animal type transformation, where the characters end up at a midpoint between man and beast (like a cowgirl or snakegirl), as well as some more male growth since female ones have dominated a lot lately.


Really interesting ideas with the mythical direction. I like the concept a lot and am giving it serious thought. Great examples too and thank you for that. A lot of ideas come to mind when you mention the concept! Also, understood about the animal stuff and though it's not so much my wheelhouse, I do appreciate the concept. Thank you!