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First off, yes, Jubilee is over 700 pages and NO they are not all at this level. Quite a few are more.... ahem raw.. hahaha. Seriously though, I felt this one was worth a polish pass. You know me and how much I love a good cloth tearing challenge. This was a LOT of fun to do.

The comics are really my training for all my art. This includes the animations. It goes back and forth too - what I learn from the animations I try to bring back into the comics. Mostly the comics are me working out layout, stories, characters and mostly just a way to train daily to improve my art. I don't know your mileage but I think the work is coming along - still a lot to learn though but I love drawing in case you can't tell.

OK - back to work on this month's art and animation! Talk with you soon and take care!

Love you!


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Pics like this are why I stay subscribed to your Patreon. Thanks for the top-notch artwork.


Very cool! You like this one I take it? Clothes ripping is one of my all time favs to draw.