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Just a series of notes from me to you! Thank you!

I believe I posted this song in our Discord but I’ll put up here as well. Of all the mash-ups I’ve heard this has got to be one of the better ones. You almost think it’s the way the actual song(s) should be.

I was thinking again about how grateful I am for YOU. For all the friends and fans here, each and every one of you, I’m so thankful you enjoy my art. I’ve said it before but I always appreciate your support, paid or not.

Your old pal Ready has been working on new art for you this month. We have a poll that just ended and I’ll be doing fanart you voted on. I’m working on our animation and ideas for upcoming comics. Also, just getting a lot of art practice. I do my best each month to deliver you the highest quality art I can make at the time. Ideally, that quality has gone up over the years but you be the judge.

Personal message, to everyone here. You are an important person to not just me, but to yourself, your friends, your family and everyone around you. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs of my life and the downs never stay down in the ups never stay up. What does stay are the friends I make and share my experiences with. I hope sharing this art brings you enjoyment! I know were talking about “thrilling” artwork but hey, I’m in my wheelhouse so that’s what we got.

Beyond that, I hope each of you are out there living your dreams or at least heading towards your dreams. Maybe you're cautious about starting something big or unsure of your talents or finances. What I learned is just start small and keep at it every day if you can. Even if you’re doing mental thought experiments and nothing else at least you’ll do something. Nothing that matters comes easy. It takes work and you know that. I’m not telling you anything new.

Another nugget of wisdom from the Ready Art vault would be to make sure your tracking where you spend your energy. I’m an old hand at wasting time, worrying about unnecessary things, and just fretting over stuff which does not matter. The more I’m able to drop those activities, the better my life gets all around. Those are easy words to say, I know, and I don’t presume to know everybody’s life story here. I will say everything starts with a thought. Your thought. You think it then you do it and then it happens.

All the best in the world to everyone here. Thank you again! I look forward to bring you as much art and animation as I can for as long as I can.

Take care and I will talk with you soon,



Eminem - Lose Yourself But It's Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra

footage used: clips from 8 mile voyager: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5wP5FSwTPo&t=1672s flying machines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_G1YbItY9o&t=156s Bandcamp: https://williammaranci.bandcamp.com/ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJqx3ss2/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/williammaranci Patreon (for mashup requests): https://www.patreon.com/williamamaranci Paypal (for donations w/o mashup requests): https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/williammaranci Discord: https://discord.com/invite/3pcyWsN Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/williamamaranci Original music: https://nickhotel.bandcamp.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WilliamMaranci Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WilliamMacaroni



Thank you for this video and Eminem! He's a cool dude! Your words are always so heartfelt and deep, it really inspires. Thank you!


Thank YOU for the nice comment! Appreciate it and hope you are doing excellently! Glad you enjoyed the music too, -Ready