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Man, I don't recall the last time this was posted anywhere. I think I put it up on my main site years back in 2012 but never in high res - UNTIL NOW!

This was part of a contest where each week (?) people voted for their favorite - Jen Walters or Betty Ross. In the end it was a tie but Jen lead for a while. 

Enjoy and the high res files are attached.



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Wow. Nice Transformation. I like Jen.💚😁

Richard Handy

It is fun but man, I really, really did not care for Red She Hulk. Her hype, her reveal and the really annoying story and intro just grated on me something fierce. I joked with my friends who know about my love of boobs and muscles that even I couldn't enjoy her hentai. I'm honestly glad they got rid of her in comics.


Understood and this was all from way back when Red She-Hulk was a lot more popular in the mainstream. I know you're not referencing the contest itself but I'll reiterate for those reading the comments. This was a user selected contest and user voted results. That out of the way - I think we can agree the Jen Walters Sensational/Savage run is probably most people's 'image' of Jen as She-Hulk. So much fun in those issues!

Richard Handy

Thanks for clarifying. And I would never besmirch those who do like Red She Hulk! Ready drew them both well and I just sort of came in swinging when I saw her again. This is no disrespect to this fine fellows patreon or his style. (The huge boobs do help with her appeal tho.)


Totally get it. I know this image set came out of the blue for most and it might even look like I am getting on some Red She-Hulk tear. At the moment though - this is just a re-issue of an old series. haha