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OK, read everything and then vote as much as you like

  • This poll is about things you LIKE or MIGHT LIKE TO SEE!
  • It doesn't matter if it's already happening or not. I'm just checking for what people enjoy.
  • Vote for ALL the things you enjoy.
  • You can vote as much as you want so no need to be picky!
  • Comments and suggestions welcome too! 
  • I'll use these result to see what people might want more of or less of.
  • Have fun and enjoy!



Louis Thomas

I would love to see more ReadyArt fan-art pics. I still remember that old "Contest Winners" PDF you put out.


I have a dream, See Trisha turn green! Check it out, even rhyme!


Wow - that's an interesting idea. I haven't thought about that one. Thanks!


I know you're always going forward in the story, but what if you went back and colour the firt movies to make them fit in with the newer ones? Have you ever concidered it? Would it be possible?


First of all that is a fantastic question and thank you for asking. I am ALWAYS wanting to go back and redo, color or otherwise revisit my old work (animations and comics). You know, bring in new techniques, new ideas and just make the stuff more inline with my current skillset. The only thing though is 1) it takes time. That's not a bad thing but it does mean I don't do other patron things while I revisit old work. 2) With that in mind I don't know if all my friends and fans would be interested in me spending a lot of effort in basically retelling stories they can already see VERSUS new ones they are looking forward too with characters they now enjoy. I am certain some would say "Heck yeah, redo stuff" but it's rabbit hole of work. Which movie to do? All of them? In any order? They also aren't really setup for easy coloring either. It's not just a matter of slapping on some paint since a lot of the older animations are made much differently than I work now. Still, it's a possibility and I will always consider it an option. If some awesome method pops up to save time I might indeed go back and color some. Thank you again! -Ready


Muscle growth AND breast expansion specifically would be a nice option.


Wow - great suggestion and thank you! Hadn't thought about that one too much!