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Just a series of notes from me to you! Thank you!

Hello everyone and welcome to another Ready’s Ramblings.

It’s edging into summer where I live and I’m looking forward to getting you more art and animation in the coming months. As you know, I aim to bring you my very best work. There are wild plans in motion for crazy transformation art coming your way. We have the movies; we have comics and a lot more.

That out of the way, I want to send a direct message to each and every one of you. I was speaking with a friend the other day and we were talking about state of the world. You know your ol’ pal Ready, I am the eternal optimist. I believe we, as humans, are basically good. I know there are bad apples in the bunch but that’s just how it goes. I also know some of the people reading this may be going through tough times of their own. Perhaps your future seems dark. For whatever it’s worth, I am rooting for you. I'm doing the best I can over here to put as much good into the world as I take from it. Believe me, with all my good fortune this is a full time job giving back. I'm very lucky, I know it and I do everything within my power to give back to YOU and others. 

It was only recently I realized some of my greatest dreams. Part of those dreams come from this Patreon and YOU. I enjoy doing art and animation, for myself and for you. I love our community too. I appreciate the level of civility and goodwill that exist here. I don’t take any of it for granted. When the good comes around, enjoy it for all it’s worth and work as hard as you can to keep it going. I also work to put as much good (or more) back into the world as I get. For me, this is the only way to live. I’ve been so blessed in so many ways. I love every one of you, that’s a fact.

So I’m sending you my best wishes, my love and as much support as I can muster for you. I believe we are all capable of much more than we think. Any big project starts with the staggering realization of the work involved. Dive in, get to it, and sooner than later you’ll start to see results.

Take care and I will talk with you soon,



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