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Patreon State of the Union – First Half of 2022

Hello to all you fine people and thank you for your support! I wanted to share with everyone what’s going on and what you can expect going forward in terms of the Patreon, my art and more!

Thank you!

First off – It’s rare anyone can say they’re doing something they really love - every single day. I feel I can truly say that and mean it. I also feel I’m part of a team when I say that. The team is me, you and our community here. There is no way I would be doing this without your support and my goal is to bring you my very best work always. Thank you so, so much. Here’s to many more years of creation and art for you.

A nod to the Animation Tier

The Animation Tier is allowing so many good things here! I appreciate ALL the support I get but I want to call out the Animation Tier and higher patrons for their outstanding support of my efforts to bring more art and animation to everyone. It’s a huge honor and I don’t take the job lightly. I work every month to bring you MORE than your money’s worth and I hope you enjoy the effort.

Movie 2 (wrapped mid 2020) slated for a public release

Last year, I released the first Patreon movie to the public. It got all of us here a lot of attention and brought in more support from the community which allowed me to create more art and animation. I plan on doing something like that again this year. The idea would be to release the second Patreon movie to the public. For reference, the second Patreon movie was completed in mid-2020 which was about two years ago. It’s one of the first movies I made that was in pretty much full-color and we have come a long way since then. The idea at this point is to release all segments of that movie free to the community at some point in the next two months. I’m thinking of early or mid-May but it may be delayed. My hope is the same as the last time. Get more people interested by sharing some of the great work we do here and ideally become supporters. That particular movie is an older one and even with its public release we still have hours and hours of Patreon exclusive movies for everybody here.

As you might know, I always look to give back to the community. I feel it’s important to allow as many people as possible to check out and enjoy the art created. My first priority is to the Patreon of course! Beyond that I believe we all benefit when more people enjoy and contribute their support. One way I like to do that is releasing scaled down versions of Patreon art as well as delay release of Patreon exclusives. All the comics eventually find their way to my free gallery. It normally takes a minimum of a year for that to happen but in the end everyone who would like to can enjoy the comic art.

Comics Update

Comics, I love drawing them and I hope you enjoy at least looking at some of the art in them. Every year I draw hundreds of pages of comic art. Not every page is a gem I know! That said, comics are where I practice my craft and ideally improve the art. This is the art that goes into the animations and helps them get better. You can imagine it takes a lot to draw hundreds even thousands of frames of animation a month. I use the comics as practice and as a testing ground for the work. I’ve been trying to up the release of the comics but I think were still about 11 issues behind where I’m at. That is to say I’m drawing issue 50 and issue 39 was just released for people to read. There’s a long, convoluted story as to why things happen like that and I posted about it before. Short version; I draw the comics and lettering and polish takes a while.

Down the line

I’ve been looking to further increase the production values on the movies and I still have a long ways to go. The ultimate goal of course is to give you something like a full-blown Anime-level movie production. I think were heading in the right direction and each month I do feel the movies are getting better in terms of quality and ideas. Again, there’s still a lot to do and a long way to go but thanks your support things moving forward.

A big thanks to you reading this

Thank you again and know YOU mean a lot to me and ideally you mean a lot to YOU. You’re important to me regardless and appreciate your support in ANY form, paid or not.

Comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome as well!

Take care of yourself, live your dreams and I will talk with you soon!




I downgraded to just the comics, and I can see from early days to now, you’ve made a significant leap in skill and progress.


Hey and I appreciate that support so much. Personally, I feel the art overall has come a LONG way from even a few years back. It's nice to hear others are enjoying it and thank you!