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I love you and believe in you. My hope for everyone reading this is you enjoy the best possible day in your best possible life. It's not always sunshine and roses but your old pal Ready truly believes we humans are good and kind - despite hiccups proving otherwise. 

We all want to love and be loved. There's that old saying "You reap what you sow" and it's true. The best part is you get MORE in return than you gave. We're in this together folks, like it or not. 

Go out and have an awesome day! If you fortune isn't good at the moment, I hope things change for the better, sooner than later.

Love you all! Thank you!




Ready I am at your side. Most humans are good and kind, but there is always just one or two bad sprouts needed to corrupt the masses. We saw it in Germany in the last century as Hitler set the world on fire, we see it in the Russian Invasion right now. Most of these people are brave and kind, want to make the best for themself, their familys, friends, neighbours. I saw the bad multiple times as I fought in the kosova also in the afghani War, I saw how innocent childs got influences by the wrong people, belived what they said to them and got a weapon in their childish little hands, which shoot one of my comrads, while I was 1m at his side. He died, I life. And the child got arrested and thought it was a game. I see that one moment since 2002 nearly every night, and in the morning I stand up listen the birds sing, see how the sun is rising and think that the world could be such a wonderfull place for us all - It is not important which Language we speak or which Skin Color we have. It is absolutly not important to which god we pray (or not) or which gender we have. There are so many points which are more important, small things maybe, like a laugh or smile or an open ear, but they make the world a far more better place.


Agree, we are more alike than different and it's sometimes forgotten. There's always hope and the best things start small, as you mention, a laugh or a smile. Thank you!


I love this saying "You reap what you sow" and I often see that it really works...Wish you the best!