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I need to thank you ALL for your support. This was a team effort and everyone here helps make the magic happen. 

I gathered up all the submissions and created a poll for everyone to vote in. Below are the descriptions and a headshot sheet for you to look at. The submissions were all collated and unified by yours truly to make them inline with the Growth Lab universe. The headshots will be used as guidance for the final character so this is a look at their final direction.

Read all the bios, check out the headshots and VOTE!


  • The TOP THREE vote getters move onto the next round
  • Vote for as many characters as you like
  • Enjoy the contest for what it is - a fun time for all of us!
  • Contest ends March 17th
  • Disclaimer - it should be obvious but all character ideas submitted are part of the Growth Lab Universe and property of your old pal Ready going forward. Even if your suggestion doesn't win I might workshop it down the line. Regardless, I'll be taking the helm from here on out and thank you to all who submitted.


  • Name: Maddie Walker
  • Growth Type: BE, GTS
  • Age: 29
  • Likes: Old monster movies (favorite is Godzilla)
  • Dislikes: Being center of attention
  • Relationships: best friend is Molly Quinn.
  • Beliefs: Thinks Luna is secretly a part of the Coalition of Science. Also fears she will get so addicted to the energy growth she won’t want to return to normal size.


  • Name: Jessica Drew
  • Growth Type: BE, GTS
  • Age: 21
  • A geek and a big fan of the Energy Science Research team (who created the growth energy). She's afraid of growing because she’s uncomfortable with her body and she doesn't want other people to see her. Likes: Known for making many pop culture and contemporary reference.
  • Dislikes: Feeling shy and embarrassed


  • Name: Brenna Sloane
  • Growth Type: FMG, GTS
  • Age: 27
  • Aliases: Grapple Queen, Selena Bannor, Annabel Rosen
  • Occupation: Undercover
  • Education: Criminal law, improv acting, multiple martial arts
  • Hobbies: Karaoke (as Selena Bannor).
  • Skills: Close-quarters combat, infiltration, and a fairly good singer.
  • Likes: Intelligent men, busty women, protecting the innocent, being underestimated, and getting dressed up when she goes singing.
  • Dislikes: When the criminals get away and the fact that her FMG growth type doesn't boost her figure as much as she'd like.


  • Name: Samantha Smith
  • Growth Type: BE, GTS
  • Age: 20
  • Bio: Younger sister of Rebecca Smith, ran away from home at a young age and eventually became a bartender. Grew a hardened facade to hide her shy inner self. Recruited by Coalition of Science under false pretense and now tries to reconcile with her sister (who might need to help Samantha escape the CoS).


  • Name: Victoria Popescu
  • Growth Type: BE, GTS
  • Age: 26
  • Bio: Moldova Gymnast, retired young, shy/reserved (knew Roger Benton in college). Lost weight, looks/personality changed after growth energy exposure at lab internship. CEO of smart clothing company (acquired by Dyson Industries). Descended from line of priests that served Colette. Insomniac and dungeon master. Experimental decom clothes disguise her true figure.


  • Name: Clarissa Hubert
  • Growth Type: BE, GTS
  • Age: 20
  • Relationships: Younger sister of Trisha Hubert
  • Bio: Smart, flirtatious and somewhat promiscuous. An exhibitionist at heart she enjoys growing as much for the size as for the show she puts on. Growth for her is a highly arousing and pleasurable experience.


  • Name : Kaitlin Judge
  • Growth Type: Experimental/Kaiju, GTS
  • Age: 23
  • Nickname : Lizzy
  • Bio: Shy, but flirty Kaitlin is sole inheritor of a global mechanical parts & chemical components manufacturer that supplies the military as well as having degrees in biochemistry, particle wavelength, and mechanical engineering.


  • Name : Onyx Beltraed
  • Growth Type: FMG, GTS
  • Age 24
  • Bio: Goth girl working security at Kilian Labs. She helms a decom mech to stop the infected but the moment she finds herself infected she embraces it. A level-headed person not afraid to tell the truth, even if it's bold. Has a distaste for anyone who lies and manipulates others.


  • Name: Breanne Wilhelmina Schnauffer
  • Growth type: BE, GTS
  • Age: 28
  • Bio: Calm and collected, but failures frustrate her. She is absolutely embarrassed each time she grows. She enlists at 19 and shockingly excels despite being a book worm. Now 28 she is a captain working closely with Killian City as a rapid response unit, her dislike for failure leads her to question Luna’s actions.


  • Name: Alicia Luisa Alexandra
  • Growth Type: Colossus, GTS
  • Age: 20
  • Skills: Close-Quarters Combat, Ability to Perform Under Pressure, Quick to Adapt.
  • Likes: Heavy training, Family and Friends, Marine Corps, Life in general, Unique Foods,
  • Dislikes: Bad foods, the Coalition of Science, and anyone those who hurt others.
  • Bio: A United States Marine born to a military family. Her name’s meaning of "Noble Warrior to Defend Mankind" helped inspire her to do great thing with her life. Alicia enlisted upon high school graduation, following her Mother’s footsteps. Alicia first met Vivian Prince in a joint training mission between the Marine Corp and Air Force and become friends thereafter.


  • Name: Rin Kittanning
  • Growth Type: FMG, GTS
  • Age: 29
  • Personality: Introverted, nerdy, sarcastic, clumsy, soft-spoken, smart, caring.
  • Likes: Manga/anime, baking, punk rock music, CATS!
  • Bio: Raised as a proper, soft-spoken, submissive country girl from a small town; inside she secretly wishes her physical strength matched her emotional and mental strength.


  • Name: Katerine Johnson
  • Growth Type: BE, GTS
  • Age: 21
  • Nickname: Kate
  • Profession: Intern at Killian Air Force Base Growth
  • Bio: Smart, trustworthy and rather shy but playful. Her unending curiosity tends to get her in trouble. She calls Luna "Boobzilla" (but never to her face). Alice has wanted to learn more about the growth energy not only as a scientist but also because of her insatiable curiosity. With her internship at the Lab she hopes to find out much more.




Vote for Contestant 06! The bigger she gets, the more excited and aroused she becomes!!! She loves everyone seeing how big she can grow, and Clarissa can't wait to put on a show for you!!!!!


It's the final chance to vote! Remember to cast your ballot for Contestant 06! Clarissa Huber really wants your vote to fetch, so you can see her grow as her clothes rip and stretch!!! She loves people to watch her while she enlarges as her curves increase!!! Clarissa's not worried about anybody seeing her naked in the least!!! Vote Contestant 06 for a growing, giant show, so this exhibitionist can really let go!