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You may or may not know but EVERY SINGLE PERSON reading this has access to the Patreon comic section on my main site. NOT ONLY THAT but you all have access to the Lifetime comic section as well. If you head over there you can see the latest comics as well as all the upcoming comics (over 3000 pages!).

Check out all the attached art to this post! All that is part of the preview section you could be looking at right now. CRAZY!!!

All the info to get to the site, how to connect your Patreon account and MORE is linked above and below. If you can't access the comics for any reason - drop me a line.

Thank you for your support! Thank you for your kind words and ENJOY THE ART!




We have a TON of bonus goodies so, as always - GRAB YOUR REWARDS! Everything you are owed is linked below so check it all and download away!

Quick Links for new and returning patrons looking for rewards & info, check these out:
