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First off, I want to say this is always a REALLY helpful part of my month. I do check all the polls and answers. Your feedback is not only helpful for ideas but I love hearing about what you enjoy! Keep on with it and I do appreciate your support!

I use your answers to help guide the Patreon and get ideas for new animations and comics. As mentioned below these results are integrated into my planned storylines as best as possible. I can't promise everything gets address but I do my best!

We are changing up the usual voting style in light of the changeup of animation focus. We still have all the BE/GTS and FMG from before but the locations and characters are being varied up a bit more.

The polls will be evolving as we go forward. If it seems like an additional or follow-up poll is needed, we will do it!

The Basics:

  • Read Everything then VOTE!
  • Lots of options so read it all!
  • This poll is concerning ideas and possibilities for NEXT MONTH and FUTURE ANIMATIONS!
  • Pick as many options as you like!
  • Let's have fun. I'll do my best to deliver something amazing for you so let's work in the spirit of cooperation and VOTE!
  • Clearly, I can't promise to get EVERYTHING in but I will do my best to get the ones you like and that BEST fit in with the current storylines.
  • Regarding GLab characters - I will follow characters and their TYPICAL transformations. That doesn't mean that an FMG person won't have BE moment but it does mean they follow their type of growth overall.
  • This poll will help tell me what you want to see overall - so VOTE!
  • If locations are listed and I will do my best to make the one you like happen in the next animation IF POSSIBLE!!! Otherwise I will look to integrate it in some way down the line if I can!
  • If enough people want something off the list below we can do another poll for alt characters later!
  • Character Suggestions are welcome but I am looking to use my characters this. Still, if you have ideas - PUT 'em down!!!
  • I basically put GTS into near everything so there will likely be GTS in transformations
  • This is about seeing the best way to implement 'patron choice' so let's have fun and if you have ideas - put 'em in the comments!

Ladies Lineup if you need a refresher:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/47572346



Please bring more women who try to resist or are ashamed. Trisha is my favorite for that, but I wish there were others like her.

Richard Handy

Other Idea: I noticed once in a blue moon you drew Luna with her belly expanding into a huge round shape (Mostly from being erm...filled with energy by two or more guys.) I wouldn't mind seeing belly expansion by energy for girls or guys.

Louis Thomas

I would like to see more women decoming themselves like in Luna's first animation and Skyscraper.


I like a combination of fmg growth with resistance and embarrassment


I would like to see more of FMG Luna again (in the future).


Some she venom transformations


Idea 1: What happend to Mrs. Furihara? Is she still floating in space? If that is the case: After the events of the upcoming movie, she could be used as relay / storage again, but it goes out of control.


Crazy Idea 2: Molly (news reporter, Movie 4 episode 2/3) found a way to make her body absorb the growth energy. Perfect for the news – with showing how it works. After seeing low interest on the topic, Molly decides to push it further, losing control and is going to be one of the biggest threads so far. „One of the biggest“ is not enough for her. A really big problem is created after she shallowed „The Wall“. Edit: Maybe Colette is involed here?

Ákos Kovács

An idea: A fight between a muscled Trisha and a even bigger muscled Colette! :D


A general thing about the animation tier poll: I think could be better to split it in two parts. The first poll contains Story elements, like the transformations, while the second part focuses on characters. I personally think the character poll should include every existing character instead of only a few.


Yep, There actually used to be two polls each month doing exactly what you are suggesting. The character one, effectively, ended up a popularity poll for who people like while the other poll about story was a little more helpful to me and the guiding of the Patreon. I still might do an occasional full on 'character only' poll once in a while. At this point there are getting to be a lot of characters and it's possible we will need two polls just for all the ladies at some point soon! Thanks for the suggestions, good thinking and appreciate the time!


Will any of the growing ladies ever get it on with one their fellow giantesses?


It's possible but overall it hasn't happened much to this point since it's not been a focus of the animations. A lot of the basic direction tends to follow work I've previously done and lady on lady isn't featured much in my past work. Still, I will keep it in mind! Appreciate the comment and the support!