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Going forward we are changing up the usual voting style in light of the changeup of animation focus. We still have all the BE/GTS and FMG from before but the locations and characters are being varied up a bit more.

The polls will be evolving as we go forward. If it seems like an additional or follow-up poll is needed, we will do it!

The Basics:

  • Read Everything then VOTE!
  • Lots of options added so read it all!
  • This poll is concerning ideas and possibilities for NEXT MONTH and FUTURE ANIMATIONS!
  • Pick as many options as you like!
  • Let's have fun. I'll do my best to deliver something amazing for you so let's work in the spirit of cooperation and VOTE!
  • Clearly, I can't promise to get EVERYTHING in but I will do my best to get the ones you like and that BEST fit in with the current storylines.
  • Regarding GLab characters - I will follow characters and their TYPICAL transformations. That doesn't mean that an FMG person won't have BE moment but it does mean they follow their type of growth overall.
  • This poll will help tell me what you want to see overall - so VOTE!
  • If locations are listed and I will do my best to make the one you like happen in the next animation IF POSSIBLE!!! Otherwise I will look to integrate it in some way down the line if I can!
  • If enough people want something off the list below we can do another poll for alt characters later!
  • Character Suggestions are welcome but I am looking to use my characters this. Still, if you have ideas - PUT 'em down!!!
  • I basically put GTS into near everything so there will likely be GTS in transformations
  • This is about seeing the best way to 'patron choice' so let's have fun and if you have ideas - put 'em in the comments!

Ladies Lineup if you need a refresher:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/47572346



What if? . . . In addition to BE, GTS, FMG, some of the women grew a cock? And balls.

Blizzard Wuffy

The more out of control the growth, the better! And everything they do only makes it worse!


I link a fuller explanation below but the short answer is I tend to draw things that are in my 'wheelhouse'. If you look at my comics and history there is a lot of BE and GTS. FMG was a pretty logical add to the animations since it did pop up every now and then in the comics. As for futa, well, that really isn't my thing and it's a divisive topic for some people. They tend to love it or hate it and not a lot in-between. That said, I absolutely appreciate any and all suggestions but I want to be clear about ideas that don't really dovetail into my plans. The reason I can draw an animated movie, comics and do color work is each month is because I’m excited about the work on a personal level. It's fun for me and I can't wait each morning to sit down and work on more fun stuff. All this is a long-winded way of saying I take your ideas and suggestions seriously and incorporate ones that work best with my own passions. Futa is not really something I pursue or am looking to pursue. Doesn't mean it's bad, doesn't mean I hate it. It only means it's not really on the table. I do a much long deep dive into how I handle your suggestions (which is linked on my FAQ page) https://www.patreon.com/posts/33244512 I know this is an absurdly long answer to a simple suggestion but I DO CARE when anyone takes a moment to write an idea down. I don't want you to think I'm giving lip service but I also cannot promise every idea will be acted on. Appreciate the support and if you have more questions - feel free to mail me directly! -Ready


DUDE! I like that! You know I am the master of compound disaster when it comes to growth episodes.


Perhaps a bout of mental swaps as growth occurs. Say, a more domineering or evil type, becomes more timid and good when she grows.


How about some blueberry?


Interesting for sure!! Thanks for the suggestion and it's on the list!


Dang! I should have put it on this poll. It's not my thing exactly but I get the interest! Thank you!


Gotta say Im very vocal about my love for ass growth so all of that is just glorious. Also haven't seen any lactation lately, though I haven't seen things other than previews (really should change that...) As long as you keep that shaking and shuddering like our great king Leviathan pioneered, I'm super good with anything~


"I love seeing underwear as part of the transformation process!" If I could give it 10 votes I would 😜 it just adds so much 😁


Yah, check out the movies. There are a lot more scenes in those! Also, wasn't much of an rear end guy when I started that animation but that has turned completely around. LOVE 'EM ! hahaha


What if clothes like panties caused ass expansion.


You know what? You might be onto something there. I feel like that might be a spark into some new branch of growth! Thank you!!!! Seriously!