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What is happening!?!! Growth, Lorraine... Trish and Buck!?!?!? Lots of growth action and more! 



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Oh yeah! Our lovely Trisha is back 😍 I can't wait to see those overall straps snap again 😁

Richard Handy

This was a fun romp. I was mighty impressed by the sizing and variant poses. That scene of all three pairs lined up being drained was very exciting! Still can't shake the notion of "Evil Trish vs Good Trish" when I see her two designs, but this was enjoyable to watch and it was so satisfying to see Lorraine get her comeuppance. I'm also happy to see the little story bits adding up as well.


So, I guess Karen’s extreme muscle growth was taken away from her. Would be cool to see other characters like Luna and Trisha have a bit of a switch up and get some extreme muscle transformation in a near future animation, for something a bit different.


Thanks! Trish is definitely evolving over time! This one was a blast to draw and I'm glad you and others enjoyed it!


I'm considering something along the lines of a switchup for the various growths. More to come from all the ladies and as many fun transformations as I can reasonably manage!


Nice. Vivian is amazing and cool. She winne again and Lorraine losed. Just sad is not lot of Vivian Transform. Vivian have new shoes and ripped. Nice🤩💚💚


Yah, I think I mentioned it before but I do work to give each transformation type (BE,GTS and FMG) equal screen time so everyone can see transformations they like. Perhaps Vivian didn't get a complete coverage sequence, she still was mos-def a centerpiece of this month's animation. She got the save! haha. Thanks again for your support and appreciate the comment!


I have a few plot questions: (just got to watching this) 1. Why did Trisha turn against the team? What was her motivation for working with Collete (and subsequently Lorraine)? I was hoping she'd explain herself here, but instead she just sides with Buck. Maybe that explanation is forthcoming? 2. Why are they just...letting Trisha back in near the equipment with Buck? Shouldn't she be taken to the brig and questioned? Especially since she might have inside info on the enemy. 3. I know Lorraine's plan..it's rather simple. Grow huge (quite a noble villain goal I must say so myself). But what about Collete, who I assume is running the whole show for the villains? What is her goal now? She said she wanted to bathe the earth in energy...in which goal she achieved. Then the Growth Lab promptly reversed all her work rather easily, which makes me wonder why she bothered. Or does she have an even larger goal in mind?


Great questions and to be clear a lot of them will be dealt with in one form or another going forward. Still, I can give you an overview of the situation. One thing you (and others) will ideally forgive is there is a bit of compressed storytelling at times. Basically, I’m always in a situation where I can draw more transformation scenes or draw more exposition scenes in every month’s movie. I will tend to fall on the side of more transformations since that is the main impetus behind the Patreon. I do my best to make things cohesive and understandable on the story side but I can’t deny there are narrative leaps. 1. The implications we are seeing from the movie is Trisha was somewhat (or always) uncomfortable with her job as a spy. We don’t know what triggered this yet but it might have something to do with working with Buck. There are hints we see where she clearly is fond of him as a friend and doesn’t like the idea of ‘capturing’ him. Her turning against the CoS will be explored a bit more going forward. 2. Yep, this is something that will be focused on. I can’t say it will be exactly as you describe it but there will be a focus on what Trisha knows. 3. Colette and her goals ideally will be clearer across the next few animations. The last movie was about laying the groundwork for things like a world-wide outbreak and this movie series is about what was gained by it. One thing is the ‘reversals’ we are seeing might not be all that permanent. Duh-duh-DUNNNNNNNNNNNNN!