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Little later than usual BUT these are already being implemented where possible and convergent with the animation storyline. 

Let's go through some of the results, shall we?

  • Breast  Expansion - TOP vote getter and you KNOW I am liking that!
  • Giant tests growth – another high vote-getter and of course one of my long-time favorites
  • Female muscle growth – a solid performer though not the top vote-getter. Don't worry folks, this one is not going anywhere and will continue to be part of the animations. 
  • It also looks like people enjoy the idea of many women growing over the idea of you women growing. That is okay with me and I prefer that one too!
  • Full body shots of growth – I hear you and am working on that one too!
  • Curvy and shapely women in the animations – love it! A solid vote-getter.
  • Mega muscles – yes, love this one and really enjoy animating it
  •  The idea of various women growing from all over the world and different locations – nice, this is a great one.
  • The idea of a growth outbreak on the beach – hey, this one guy by far the most votes and I can understand why. I'm looking for spot to drop something like this in so bear with me.
  • A wedding growth outbreak – hmmm, this come a lot of votes to and wondering if I can drop it in somewhere. I love the idea, when I wrote it in a poll I was imagining something like the wedding reception.
  • Shy women growing – Yep, I know this one well and it is definitely in the works!
  • Straining as she grows – it's interesting to see how this changes from month to month, a lot of times we get the pleasurable faces as a high vote-getter. Or to be more direct, the women who enjoy the growth. Either way, it's a lot of fun.

I will be putting up a new poll soon, ideally in the next couple hours. Thanks for the votes for this one. As you might already know, all the votes for this come from the animation tier. I team up with them every month to get a pulse of what is enjoyed and preferred. From there I work what I can into the animations and storyline. I feel like it's been great and helpful to do these monthly polls as it lets me see what people are here for as well as what they are enjoying.

OK, talk with you soon!



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