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OK, I have been thinking about this one for a while and I am going to try to catch up the Patron comics more with where I am drawing them. I set aside time this month and in the upcoming months to IDEALLY get YOU more comics. That means a LOT more artwork for you and likely a shift in the way the comics are delivered. The short story is you will GET MORE stuff and get it SOONER. That's a win all around. I'll have a longer post about this one with a small poll for everyone. 

Right now - you can go to the main Patreon gallery and see not only the latest comic SUPERNOVA completed but also the NEXT COMIC - 'The Change'. Both are up and complete. yep, your old pal Ready just put up nearly 300 pages so you are WELL SET for a lot of reading.

As a quick note the only immediate affect is the NEXT update is planned to be at least a month (or more) out. Before you boo-hoo just realize you are getting nearly 300 pages NOW and if I continued at my regular pace then we would have gotten around 100 odd pages in the next month or so. You are getting nearly three times the comics while I ideally add in MORE comics!

So enjoy and talk with you soon! I will have a followup post about the comics for you in the next few days!

Love you all!


This week's comic update is live!

You can go here: http://www.readyartzone.com/patreon/


To all my new and returning friends and fans, each week I upload comic pages to my main website and YOU as a patron can see them FIRST! The comics are what started this Patreon and probably what I was known for first before doing animations.

The series I am working on there is called the Growth Lab and we are over 1500 pages into it! It's a LOT to read and mostly growth, BE/GTS with some FMG here and there.

You can go to my main site and log in there with your Patreon account to see the work. The site is setup to be accessible from both a desktop and your mobile device. Please enjoy the work and thank you for your support!

Login Instructions for the main site with your Patreon are here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/26342996

Thank you again to all my new subscribers and fans! I appreciate your support and as we gain more friends here I will be adding MORE rewards for all!


We have a TON of bonus goodies so, as always - GRAB YOUR REWARDS! Everything you are owed is linked below so check it all and download away!

Summer Special for ALL PATRONS here:


We have a TON of bonus goodies so, as always - GRAB YOUR REWARDS! Everything you are owed is linked below so check it all and download away!

Quick Links for new and returning patrons looking for rewards & info, check these out:



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