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First: Read Everything then VOTE

Going forward we are changing up the usual voting style in light of the changeup of animation focus. We still have all the BE/GTS and FMG from before but the locations and characters are being varied up a bit more.

The polls will be evolving as we go forward. If it seems like an additional or follow-up poll is needed, we will do it!

**This poll is concerning ideas and possibilities for NEXT MONTH'S ANIMATION!**

The basics

I will list out a bunch of options and do my best to incorporate the top vote getters into the animations. Some thoughts to be aware of.

  • Pick as many options as you like!
  • Let's have fun. I'll do my best to deliver something amazing for you so let's work in the spirit of cooperation and VOTE!
  • NEW options added (Look for the NEW tag)
  • Clearly, I can't promise to get EVERYTHING in but I will do my best to get the ones you like and that BEST fit in with the current storylines.
  • Regarding GLab characters - I will follow characters and their TYPICAL transformations. That doesn't mean that an FMG person won't have BE moment but it does mean they follow their type of growth overall.
  • This poll will help tell me what you want to see overall - so VOTE!
  • If locations are listed and I will do my best to make the one you like happen in the next animation IF POSSIBLE!!! Otherwise I will look to integrate it in some way down the line if I can!
  • If enough people want something off the list below we can do another poll for alt characters later!
  • Character Suggestions are welcome but I am looking to use my characters this. Still, if you have ideas - PUT 'em down!!!
  • I kinda put GTS into near everything so there will be GTS in near everything regardless
  • This is about seeing the best way to do this sort of 'patron choice' so let's have fun and if you have ideas - put 'em in the comments!

Ladies Lineup if you need a refresher:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/47572346



Might be interesting if there's some growth strain that changes the growth process of some characters. Like say Luna all of a sudden is forced into an FMG growth instead of her usual growth type. And so on so forth.


Outbreak at College. Also outbreak at female sporting event, focusing more the athletes than the crowd. Maybe a outbreak during the final posedown at a fitness/muscle competition.

Frank Smith

Always loved the ass expansion in your animations 🍑


Shoe busting! Sandals, sliders, slippers, sneakers, let's see it all.


Interesting!!! I like it!


Oh, this is a nice one. I have been thinking about events and places! Thank you!


You know, I was never a super 'butt' guy - that said - I am really enjoying making ass expansion animations! So much fun! Thanks for the reminder!


I agree with bodybuilding competition suggestion. I like the idea of two or three girls trying to outgrow each other’s muscles

Richard Handy

Still wouldn't mind seeing hair growth/expansion on their heads. Maybe a sort of Marvel character Medusa situation? I know it's harder to draw and animate but figure since you were asking...


No worries and I am always glad to hear all the ideas you have! Hair expansion is a lot of fun!

Mookie Johnson

Bubblegum blowing as breast grow would be super hot!