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I uploaded a black and white preview of this (attached to this post) a while back but here is a color look at the three "large" batteries of the Growth Lab Universe. Luna, Emily and Ultima. Don't they make a great trio? haha

Enjoy and more to come this week! We have LOADS of goodies for all patrons so head to the links below and get your rewards!!! 

Talk with you soon!



We have a TON of bonus goodies so, as always - GRAB YOUR REWARDS! Everything you are owed is linked below so check it all and download away!

Summer Special for ALL PATRONS here:

We have a NEW Animation Tier poll up - Who's coming Back?


We have a TON of bonus goodies so, as always - GRAB YOUR REWARDS! Everything you are owed is linked below so check it all and download away!

Quick Links for new and returning patrons looking for rewards & info, check these out:
