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So, check this out. I have a story coming down the line with some balloon inflation type expansion. Mostly a pretty tame story with this plus irregular GTS growth (body parts growing at differing speeds).

Wanted to get a quick pulse of how people feel about this or if they even care. I doubt this will ever be my "main thing" but I wanted to mix things up a little and it's fun enough story. 

Thoughts welcome in the comments!





I remember you had some inflation before, I say go for it! Do as much as you want! :D

Kirk Allwein

Mixing things up is always good :o and it'd be neat to see some uneven growth too :D


Give it a shot, always fun to mix things up a bit.


@Kat Bigga - Thanks! It's being worked on as we speak!


@Kirk Allwein - Totally agree. It's a fun one to draw too!


@Geoge - Yep, I think we are go for this idea. Thanks for the encouragement!