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This week's comics are up and a NEW GIF preview will be up by Sunday night!

I have some other surprises planned for this month and MAYBE even some bonus downloads!

Stay tuned and talk with you soon!


Summer Special for ALL PATRONS here:

We have a NEW Animation Tier poll up - Who's coming Back?


We have a TON of bonus goodies so, as always - GRAB YOUR REWARDS! Everything you are owed is linked below so check it all and download away!

Quick Links for new and returning patrons looking for rewards & info, check these out:




Okay, as it can be seen you create a lot of good work and of course it's nice to get some surprises from you!... Keep further to delight us with your creativity!


I do my best! I know you do too! Appreciate the positivity Vitanya!!! Thank you and all the best to you and yours!