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Senator Robbins was having a hard time understanding the growth wave... until now.... 

Tune in for more with her and MANY other ladies on the 29th of this month!

Talk with you soon!


Homegrown (April Animation) - based on YOUR votes this is the idea pool I will be pulling from for this month's animation.  (which will be combined with my plans and ideas for the story) . Releases April 29th

  • Breast Expansion - A CLEAR leader and YOU KNOW that will be in for you!
  • GTS Growth - a super fav of mine and IN
  • FMG - Bring up the rear is a classic for She Hulk and muscle fans. IN!
  • Full body shots - NICE, I was planning something here.... haha
  • Pleasurable Growth - of course!
  • Resisting growth - a nice counterbalance to the above
  • Clothes Destruction - OH YEAH!
  • Underwear destruction - This is a great one
  • Bra snapping - This is always nice
  • Storyline - remote control device or Superheroes... hmmm I will look into these... no promise immediately.. haha
  • And as much more as I can add!

Characters on my list based on your votes and in no particular order!

  • Vivian Prince (Female, GTS, FMG - giga sized, skin changes to green ala She Hulk) - A few months (or more) winner
  • Trisha Hubert (Female, BE, GTS) very shy about being naked or is she?
  • Karen Summers (Female, GTS, FMG - giga sized) lieutenant in military
  • Lorraine Sigler (Female, GTS, FMG - Colossus sized)
  • Crystal Manning (Female, BE, GTS) - oh yeah! Love her
  • Mika and Naomi Furihara (Female, BE, GTS) - the sisters might have a surprise waiting
  • Story idea that you like... NIGHT CLUB with Ocean Liner and Airport a distant 2nd and third.... I will see what I can do.
