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Hello everyone!

It’s your old pal Ready back with another rambling episode.

I have to start with a huge thanks to all my friends and fans! This year started off extremely well and I’m really looking forward to bringing you the best art and animation I can. We’re already rolling with a new movie series and this one is going to bring in new characters, new locations and a lot more. We will still have the old crew and characters popping in but the idea will be to expand out beyond Luna and the base crew.

I’ve been working to “up” the quality of the animations and comics and I hope you’re seeing (and enjoying) the results. Your support allows me to do so much more than I was able to do even a few years ago. I’ve dedicated a lot more time to practice, listening to your input, asking what you enjoy and focusing on things I enjoy. It’s allowed a lot more artistic expression to happen which results in me working harder bringing you more art. It’s absolutely true when you do something you love it’s not work at all.

It sounds trite to say things like “how blessed I am” but I do feel blessed. And not just in a religious sense but in the sense I’m on a path I really enjoy, I’m here with you and we’re on this journey together. If you had told Ready Art back when he was “Not So Ready” Art one day he’d be able to do transformation animations, color comics, animated GIFs and so much more he would not have believed you. I come from an ancient time! Haha I remember thinking I’d end up being some sort of a Disney animator or something like that just to get access to professional animation equipment. You can guess by that statement I was from a time before computers were so plentiful and powerful. Here we are now and it’s amazing.

I have a message for you also. I want you to believe in yourself. I want you to understand and accept you can live your dreams as well. It may be a long journey to the destination but if you’re heading in the right direction, you can overcome anything. It is never easy. There really aren’t any handouts, and no shortcuts. That’s why I believe it is vital to aim for your goals, the things you love. Surround yourself with positive people if possible. Never underestimate yourself, you are a lot better and a lot stronger than you imagine.

Those are easy words to write, I know. Let me tell you I’ve been living them for a very long time. Here I am now. It took a while to get to this point but I’m loving it. I have so many more things I want to do, and I will do them. It’s going to take time and that’s okay. I hope you will be here too!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I want to read your stories. I want to see your comics. I want to hear your music. I want you to go out and be the creator that you want to be. If you don’t want to be creating that’s fine. Be true to yourself. That is the most honest test of all time.

So I’ll wrap this one up with a simple statement.

I love you!

I hope you love yourself because you’re awesome!

Talk with you soon,




Thanks to you! In a world where it is so much easier to criticize than to encourage or congratulate, this is heartwarming. Stay as you are, true to yourself!


Thanks so much and appreciate the comment! I agree - everyone works much better with positive reinforcement. Stay safe and all the best!


You are so positive. Yes, support in our creative work is very important and you certainly know that. Glad that you are making good progress and trying to improve your work!


All the best to you too! Appreciate the comment and your positive outlook as well! Gratitude and forgiveness are incredible forces to harness. My hope is to inspire my friends and fans as they have inspired me.