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Hello and I want to start off with a big thank you to all my current and new supporters. It’s because of you were getting all this art and animation and I appreciate it.

Let’s talk about April and what’s coming

Above is a look at April’s calendar. We have a breakdown of the dates you can expect your rewards. We also have a new movie series starting this month. What’s interesting about this month’s movie is it’s going to be a little different than previous ones in terms of characters and locations. Thanks to your feedback we're going to be visiting different parts of the country, of the world and maybe even off world. We're also going to be introduced to new characters and new developments inside the Growth Lab universe. Of course, we will be keeping all the transformations you expect. We will even be looking at adding new twists the things.

FIVE HOURS PLUS of movies!

At the moment we have over five hours of animated movies! All you need to do to access that is sign Up for the Animation Tier. Once you sign up you get access to everything right away. You can download and watch those movies today if you want.

The Main Site Upgrades

There are some new upgrades coming to the main site. I’m thinking about adding back the forums. This is a workshop thing at the moment so no guarantees. Currently Discord is the main place for hanging out with me and other patrons. It looks to be that way for a while but I do like the idea of having forums on the main site like we use to have. There’s a lot of back story as to why they went away and some of that had to do with time constraints on my part. We’re moving into a new era for the Patreon and maybe it’s time to bring those back.

I don’t know how many people regularly use forums but maybe it’s more people than I think. I’ll run a poll and see what you guys think.

Wiki for the Growth Lab

This is something that's been work shopped for months. There is a wiki going up for the Growth Lab. It’s mainly being handled by one of our own, Solstice, and he is doing a bang up job. Again, I know it might not be of great interest to everyone but I think there are few of you that would love to peruse something like that. I wonder if there are any of you that might even want to contribute?

Growth Lab Index/Catalog

Another thing on the menu on a Growth Lab index where you can look up the movies and get information about them. This would all be cross-linked ideally with my Patreon so you could get at movies quickly. Of course this is something that be on the main site that everyone could access.

Contest, Extras and more

I’m always looking to add new things to the site to bring you more value and more art. Contests and things like that are still planned. I’m also open to any ideas you may have.

That’s about it for now. More news will be on the way. I’ll drop a poll for everybody about some of this and you can weigh in there. Any comments on the above are welcome, you can drop those below.

Thank you again for your support and have an amazing day!




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