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Hey everyone,

In a couple days we will have the release of the final chapter of Cerberus Station. That will be the final part of our third movie. As you know, you can watch any part of any movie in whatever order you like. You're guaranteed to get transformations in all of them. That said, you can also watch them in order and get a story based in my Growth Lab universe. I believe at this point we are nearing five hours of movies. Can you believe that? Five hours!

I wanted to tell you about some of the upcoming things happening in the Animation Tier. Next month starts a new movie series. This one is also set in the Growth Lab universe. It will take a different approach month-to-month. There will indeed be a through line story across the animations, but month-to-month the characters and locations will vary a bit more than they have. We will still see old favorites and still have some of the old locations and the like. What I’d like to do with this new series is bring you a little more variety and maybe even a little more focus with some of the month’s transformations.

What I’ll need from you though is your feedback, your helpful input and a sense of what you are liking. The upcoming months are bit of a workshop when it comes to where were taking things. I have some ideas and I do have a plan; I still want your input though. As you know this is a team effort and you are part of that team. No also that I am willing to adjust and redirect based on reasonable and doable feedback. I have several posts about the kind of feedback that tends to work the best. Generally speaking, feedback it takes into account a large number of patrons and is widely popular tends to be more successful. I still plan on doing more niche things though, I feel it’s important to branch out and hit the perhaps less popular but just as interesting ideas.

So, thank you again for your support we will definitely be talking soon. 

Take care, stay strong and keep being that awesome you that you are!


- Ready


Richard Handy

Have you ever considered having folks limit their votes or removing some of the options? I mean, it's a given that your followers love hyper sized growth so why leave it posted if everyone is going to click on it? I'm not nagging but I think if you winnow down the choices, and number of times folks can vote, you might be a more accurate idea of what we're feeling.


Wait a minute, what kind of niche things you plan to do? 😏


Thanks for the reply. It’s a little much to do a deep dive down here in the comments and I might elaborate more on this in a bigger post. The short answer in any of this is “what problem are we solving?”. By that I mean do we know for sure that everybody just loves all the popular options and we don’t need them? I’ve seen that change a lot over the year. Some months breast expansion is the number one then over time it switches to female muscle growth and then it switches over to giantess. I do agree having less options by default creates more focus but at the same time I wonder is the number of options a problem? The way things are set up now is it’s all or nothing in Patreon. You either allow people one vote in an entire poll or you allow them as many votes as they want in a poll. There is no option to allow let’s say five votes in a poll or three votes in a poll. I think what you’re getting at though is varying up the polls in general and that is something I’ll definitely think about. I don’t want to write off things like lots of options or lots of choices as an issue at this point. Something to think about is the polls are my way of getting a vibe of all patrons. I’m always interested in what you’re enjoying and having lots of options allows that. Regardless it’s definitely something to think about and thank you. – Ready