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Who wants ANOTHER GIF preview?!?! YOU DO!

This is the end of the month multi-preview where you get a final glimpse of this month's movie before its release on the 30th. We have a big wrap up and surprises coming your way! 

Be there and talk with you soon!


Shutdown (March Animation) - what can you expect from this month's animation based on YOUR votes (which will be combined with my plans and ideas for the story) . Releases March 30th

  • Breast Expansion - This one has been at the top for a while and hey, who's complaining?
  • GTS Growth - come one! A goodie especially given last month
  • FMG - I have to say this is a great add to the animations. Some of the more popular characters like Vivan and Karen are FMG based
  • Pleasurable growth - oh yah! A favorite of mine!
  • Underwear focus and destruction- HEY, good add people! IN!
  • Full body shots - I'll see what I can do!
  • Rear end growth - Oh man, this one is always fun to draw! haha
  • Bra snapping - This is always nice
  • And as much more as I can add!

Characters on my list based on your votes and in no particular order!

  • Vivian Prince (Female, GTS, FMG - giga sized, skin changes to green ala She Hulk) - consistent high vote getter!
  • Karen Summers (Female, GTS, FMG - giga sized) lieutenant in military
  • Lorraine Sigler (Female, GTS, FMG - Colossus sized)
  • Trisha Hubert (Female, BE, GTS, very shy about being naked)
  • Kris Patel (Female, BE, GTS, likes boobs growing - A LOT), crew on Luxembourg
  • Hannah Stromberg (Female, BE, GTS, FMG - mega sized) general in military
  • Maxine Baas (Female, BE, GTS) captain of the Tokolow
  • And since this is a wrap up animation I will look to add in more as both you and I like!

More news to come and thank you for your support!




I've seen a bouncy butt 😮 pretty sure it belongs to Hannah 😜


I know Luna is not often voted for in these vids, but in the comics I like her a lot. I especially like the whole 'pretends she doesn't want to grow, but actually SUPER does want it and loves it'. I would love to see some of that expressed in future animations, either with her or another character


Right there with you!!! It's no big secret I love drawing Luna so you need not worry about her going anywhere! haha