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Just a series of notes from me to you! Thank you!

Welcome to another episode of Ready’s Ramblings. This is mostly me gassing on about non art related subjects. It’s arguably interesting and occasionally funny so read on if you like!

2021 has started off with a bang. I don’t know if our non-Central USA friends are aware but there is a big fat deep freeze happening in parts of our country which normally get no snow. We’re talking snow, ice, sleet and more. Along with a lot of power outages and people staying at home. Jeebus, sounds like the start of 2020! My well wishes go out to all affected and my hope is you are safe.

I hope all of you are ALL well too! Whether you are new or returning or just passing by, I want you to be living your best life.

Your old pal Ready has had his share of down days but you know what? They always end, eventually. Things get better and circumstances improve.

I heard a very interesting quote “You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” I feel that can apply to a lot of things, the main one being our perception of our personal situation. We can’t always control the environment but we can control our thoughts. I had a conversation with a friend about this and the discussion was about living a life that sees the good versus the bad. When we look for bad, we are seldom disappointed. We can find it everywhere. The world can seem like it’s unilaterally scheming to ruin our day or life.

But, but my good friends. When we look for the good, we can find that too. We can suddenly accept more, understand more and become more at peace with our life. I truly believe people are basically good at their core. There is a lot of frustration in the world (as has been in the past). People need to feel safe and protected and why not? We can all help with that. I will go out on a limb and guess some of YOUR best memories are simple times with friends and family. Perhaps a person you admire or love. Maybe a laugh, a story or a joke was told. It could be a lot of things.

My HOPE is each of us can be a moment of happiness for someone else. A smile, a wave, a friendly greeting. It all adds up people. You mean something! You’re important and your actions matter. Never sell yourself off as unimportant. LOVE YOURSELF and you can be loved.

Regardless, know your old pal Ready loves you!

Talk with you soon,




Great words and this is just the super soulful post ever! I always like to read the thoughts of others about life, and yours just delighted me!


You're so nice Vitanya! Thank you and all the best to you and your family! Hope all is well for you (and everyone here)!