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Hey everyone, hope you are well and your day is awesome.

Welcome to all the new friends and fans and a huge thanks to all the returning patrons. You are making a difference here. Check out January 2021 and its releases then go back to January 2020 (Pre-Covid19 no less). I think we have arguably more and better stuff releasing NOW! haha

We're wrapping up a great month (in my opinion). All rewards are out and we are heading into February for more art and animation.

Still, I won't be sitting around. I want to make YOUR 2021 amazing with as much art as I can get you! Ideally that means more comic specials for all, more previews and animations and overall a higher quality of work. I do my best to continually improve and I will let you each have your own personal judgement on whether or not the  art has improved. I like to think so but hey, that's me. 

OK - back to work on more art for you!

Take care and talk with you soon!


Quick Links for new and returning patrons looking for rewards & info, check these out:



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