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Just a series of notes from me to you! Thank you!

Hello friend and fans! Your pal Ready here wishing you a very Happy Holidays in December! I hope you’re doing well and ideally things are on an upswing for you.

Wanted to tell you again how grateful I am you're here and how much I appreciate your support in ANY form. I’ve been doing this for a while and 2020 was (despite all the OTHER craziness) a great year for creating art! That’s a huge nod to YOU and your help.

I’d like to offer some thoughts as we head into 2021. I think EVERYONE wants to see a return to some of the old ways we enjoyed pre Covid-19. I’m also hoping 2020 gave everyone time to reflect on their lives in a positive way. I KNOW it has been tough for so many of you. Not all of us are so lucky or privileged as to be able to work from home. I feel deeply for all the business owners and employees of local shops (and large shops) who have been hit hard by the economy.

I hope as we head back into a ‘normal’ rhythm we might be able to let go of old and arguably bad habits. We are all one family people. Like it or not, believe it or not. We all share the planet. Generally speaking, no one person should devalue any other life or belief system simply because they disagree with it. It’s OK that we aren’t all the same. As I have said MANY times, I believe we are all good people at heart. Truly.

Perhaps heading into 2021 you too will be able to reach out to more people and make many positive contacts and new friends. I urge you to try. It can be hard, I know! It’s not always comfortable. But make a new friend when you can. A smile, a wave, a simple positive gesture can mean a lot to someone in need of it. It’s a very simple gift you can give over and over and NEVER run out of supplies! Haha. People love happy people. That’s a FACT! If you doubt the veracity of this ask any dog – they learned long ago what we like!

So, look ahead with happiness, look up to the sky with hope and look at others with a smile. It works and it’s easier than you think.

Also, go out and live your dreams! I want to be reading your comics, watching YOUR movies and hearing about YOUR success in ANY endeavor you choose!

Talk with you soon and thank you so much!




You too Ready! Have a nice Christmas and I hope you are doing well and staying safe! Keep up the great work and do what you are passionate about!


Thank you so much! I am so happy to bring you and the others work you enjoy! Appreciate your support as well. More to come for certain. Take care and stay safe too!