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Get your PDF's! Check out the links below for all your December and Patreon rewards! We have a big month of comics and more!

In the meantime - enjoy some redraws from GLab 14 (Michelle part 1) and GLab 15 (Michelle part 2)! Some of my favorite pages from those issues with a 2020 spin on them! High res images attached to this post!

44 pages a week of comics in December!

The big news is we will be having 44 NEW pages of comics a week instead of a month. YEP, you get 176 pages total in December. COME ON! That's crazy! Even if you think my art is marginal at best! hahahah

Everyone gets this and everyone wins! I mean, you were already winners and we are just putting some icing on that cake!

Enjoy and talk with you soon! GRAB YOUR REWARDS!


December Special PDF (all Patrons) GET IT!

Quick Links for new and returning patrons looking for rewards & info, check these out:




Thank you! Those are some of my FAV pages from the Michelle series! Glad you like the revisit!