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Quick poll question...

Would you like a FREE PATREON ONLY comic you can download a PDF for OR view in the patron comic gallery? This would be a preview of "Wishes" and include OVER FIFTY PAGES of recent artwork. Basically you can see what I am doing now behind the scenes LONG before the actual release.

It would only be up for a limited time but you get the idea.

Check out the poll answers below and VOTE! Vote for as many as you like!


BluEthunder Studio

Yes please, a pdf would be much easier than needing to log in to a site each time


Oh trust me - I get it. PDFs are convenient for a lot of reasons! This particular comic will come in both varieties (just don't expect all comics to come this way as PDF'ing nearly 4500 pages nicely is a far grander feat! haha)


Hum, tough choice 🤔