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As we head into the final month of December it’s time for our YEAR IN REVIEW! I’d like to thank and acknowledge the real hero of the day – YOU! You made all this art possible and you are part of the team responsible for the monthly output I deliver.

With Covid, election craziness (at least here in the USA) and a lot of overall divisiveness rearing its head please know you are WELCOME here. This Patreon, my Discord, deviantArt and main site are all about transformation art and getting the best art to the most people. I love making it and ask only you respect others as much as you want yourself respected. Civility and positivity aren’t just idealistic words – they are a very helpful way to deal with the world in ANY form.

All that out of the way let’s talk about the Patreon and art!


We got another twelve movies in the can this year. Movie three is in progress right now and should be wrapped mid-2021. Personally, I think this is the highest quality movie we’ve had and each month I work hard to make it something special. The GIF previews, the story, animations and more are laser focused on quality and fun. A MASSIVE thank you to the animation Tier for their assist in this. It would be hard to overstate how much their support means to me. Humbled is overused but appropriate.

Seriously, I am DETERMINED to give you MORE than your money’s worth!


I think I’ve released more comic work this year than ever. All patrons can head to the main site right now and get Growth Labs 1-15 as downloadable PDFs. That’s hundreds of pages of high res art waiting for you. Additionally, there are roughly FOUR THOUSAND pages of comic art on the site with December having four times the normal number of comic pages.

Miscellaneous art

If you have been here for any amount of time you know I’ve been releasing a lot of previews. Comic previews, art snippets and Growth Lab One sheets. Lots of them in color too! I expect that to continue into 2021


I have some ideas for Patreon wide contests and even some for specific tiers. No details at the moment but I will give you a heads up if any are on the near horizon.

What your support has gotten you!

Beside the art you’ve helped me keep the main site running. I upgraded the server software to make things faster. I also did a lot of tweaking to the main gallery to make the desktop and mobile experience better.

With you support I was able to upgrade my home computer and add much needed backup/protection to the computer. Can you believe your pal Ready worked for the last thirty years with NO U.P.S.?!? Well, that’s changed. I’ve never had much trouble with power outages but a few VERY minor blips this year convinced me the lost hours were just not worth it anymore. Not when it comes to your art. I also did a minor hardware upgrade to make the computer faster. It’s all a bunch of little adds but the effect allows me to create art faster, better and get it to you quickly.

Looking ahead

2021 will be better than 2020 – bet on it. More art and a bunch of neat things are coming your way. I have a catalog planned that will collate all the art, animation and comics so YOU can browse for goodies and find things quickly. I’ll keep all of you posted as things develop of course.

Overall thank you so much! Thank you for you support in ANY form.

Talk with you soon.



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