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This is a quick visit to a prior post of mine regarding suggestions, comments and polls and how I handle them. There is some cut and paste from it. If you're interested, the original post is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/33244512

I feel the need to start with my own background since it factors into how topics and ideas are handled. I’m mostly a breast expansion (BE) and giantess (GTS) artist. That is my history going back decades. You can see it in all my comics going back over twenty years. Female muscle growth and even sexual scenes are somewhat recent adds if you can believe it. Lots of suggestions you see in the movies are things that match up with ideas or riffs I’ve done in the comics somewhere in the past. Sometimes though, a truly original idea shines through we all seem to like and I run with it.

The above is an important point since it's a baseline to see where things might go. I get a LOT of great ideas from you and others. Comments, e-mail, direct messages, Tweets, etc. People have ideas to help me focus on their particular loves. While I can’t do everything for everyone what I look to do is hit a sweet spot I enjoy and you and others will enjoy too. A comment you have probably heard me say many times is I get as much feedback saying “Give me MORE of X and LESS of Y” as I do saying “Give me LESS of X and MORE of Y”. haha

To that end I want to be clear the Patreon is overall focused on the main things I spoke about above (BE, GTS and FMG). That doesn’t mean we won’t explore variations or experiment or even do new things. We might have a little more focus on one topic in a month but overall I think we are still seeing a LOT of BE and GTS with a healthy amount of FMG and new things. Even with the less popular ideas I look to drop them in where I can so it’s always worth voting in the polls or sending me your ideas.

If you are in the animation tier the regular polls are a great way to tell me what you like! If you are suggesting something you have NEVER seen me draw in any comic or animation then please understand it’s not likely to be a high priority for a lot of reasons. One might be it doesn’t fit into the narrative of the current animations. It might be too far outside the main direction of the Patreon or might not be popular outside of a small group of patrons. Finally, it might not be something I am comfortable or interested in drawing. None of those reasons are a slam on your idea! Your idea is totally fine! Haha. I just want your expectations to be coming from the right place.

That Patreon is about dovetailing your loves AND mine. My passion for our mutual interests is what allows me to power out 10-15 minutes of animation a month PLUS 44 pages of comics and other miscellaneous work! When I started putting my art on the internet it was to share what I enjoyed with others. The Patreon helped to increase my output beyond what I thought possible too. I think it’s pretty clear we’ve come a LONG WAY TOGETHER since this thing started. In beginning we were only doing comics. Crazy!

I could go on about this but the main message is basically ‘Please suggest what you like but understand all ideas are weighted against the goals of the Patreon as well as my direction of the art and animation.’ My past comics and animations are a good indicator of where my tastes lie as well as the likely direction of upcoming stories.

Overall, I LOVE that you are here and I can’t tell you enough how happy I am to be able to share all this fun art with you. I can’t even call it work! Every time I finish an animation or page, I cannot wait to share it with you and the others.

Enjoy and have a great day and talk with you soon!



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