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So, I always wonder what brought people here to the Patreon and what inspired you to support my art and efforts. I am taking a quick, non-committal poll to see some of the reasons YOU enjoy the place and some of the reasons you might have been compelled to support the cause here.

Let's be clear - I appreciate ANY support, paid or not! That said, it's you who are tossing down your hard earned coin that I have to thank for allowing me to expand my efforts. 

I added some poll options and if you have any other things you want to add, comment below. 

Thank you!


**Vote for as many or as few as you like!**



Ive been following you for a very long time on deviantart and i think msn group too not sure haha


Strangely enough, I was JUST thinking about the old Yahoo group! Remember that one!?!


Yahoo group thats the one! I was thinking msn idk why


Or maybe it was both! Lol


Man - those were the days! I think most of the art was 1024x1024px or LESS! haha


Several of your gifs were reposted to Chounyuu, but they retained their Patreon watermarks, so I followed those and was led here.

Richard Handy

I like how Ready is very positive and generous with his creations, both animated and drawn.


Hey - appreciate it and thank you! I do my best to bring you and the others art and positivity!