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Just a series of notes from me to you! Thank you!

You know you’re awesome.

You’ve always known it! At the very least you suspected it!

You are a miracle. You are not here by chance, you’re not a random occurrence tossed on a big mudball called Earth hurtling through space. You are here for a reason. Now, that reason may not be clear at this moment but it’s a GOOD reason. It *might* take your entire life to discover that reason so don’t hold your breath if you haven’t found it yet.

One thing you can do, one thing you SHOULD do… is keep being the best you that YOU can be. Don’t worry about anyone else. You are the ONLY one in your head when you close your eyes at night. Be true to that person and doors will start opening.

I can imagine some of you might be saying “Ready! What the effing hell are you blathering about?!?! Have you not SEEN 2020?!? Have you not seen the state of the world?!?!”

I have and I can tell you things will not only get better but they will get better when we all encourage each other with positivity and civility. Every big movement starts with an idea, a person. You are that person! Just be yourself. You can’t be anyone else! Don’t let social media or anyone tell you different.

I know 2020 has SUCKED for a lot of people, I know! I know things may seem like they are never ending but we are all in this together. We will get through this. We might have different tastes but deep down we want to be loved, to be happy and to feel safe. Things will get better, they are getting better. We have this wonderful planet and we are all one big family whether we acknowledge it or not.

So chin up, shoulders back and look high. Your old pal Ready is rooting for you and LOVES you!

Thank you!



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