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Welcome to another episode of Ready’s ramblings where I ramble about various things going on. This is an optional read but I work to entertain those who persevere. 

One thing I’ve really come to appreciate with all the Covid-19 craziness is this community right here. That’s you, me and everyone else here on the Patreon, my main site or even on places like deviantArt.

You might already be aware but I work to make my sites places for friendly conversation and civil behavior. They might not all be hot beds of chatter but when there is talk or feedback it’s normally 1) somewhat interesting and 2) well worded and polite. I mention the polite/civil thing because I feel at times there is a drift AWAY from treating people with civility online. I’m not talking about accepting abuse, not standing up for yourself or not being honest. I’m talking about the ability to express your idea in a non-condescending and engaging manner. The ability to get your point across with encouragement and general positivity versus polarizing phraseology and mean-spirited antagonism.

I’m not calling out anyone in particular. I done my level best to cull the worst offenders from all my sites so if you’re here you have likely made the cut long ago! Haha! Heck, there are even a few ‘redemption arcs’ where some of the WORST offenders came around and everything is now sorted. Many of these people have become quite the supportive influence as well.

In my own experience I’ve found it’s best to encourage a lot of civility in any online engagement. Again, this isn’t the same as accepting hostile people or ignoring hurtful comments. In extreme cases you sometimes have to walk away from the situation. It’s also not a constant positive attitude about everything. What it means to me is treating each person with a basic respect and considering they’re a person just like me and have likes and dislikes and might be having a bad day. Yes, it’s possible they are alt’ing an account or just out to cause trouble but more often than not it’s likely they haven’t been shown a lot of respect in general. 

Maybe my (or your) being civil or nice or whatever is the nice deed they need for that moment. You never know. I’ve had so many random times where someone did me a nice turn when they could just as easily have mocked, teased or otherwise ridiculed me. It means a lot to see someone overlook my flaws and help me out. I am here today thanks to those countless kind deeds.

My hope is perhaps you or I or someone reading this will be the change for one person out there. Maybe our good deed or kind word will help someone on a bad day. You never know! It might happen.

All right, enough rambling and back to work on this month’s animation. I am REALLY liking it and I think you will too!

Talk with you soon,



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