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***Animation Tier ONLY***

  • First of all read everything before voting or commenting

I wanted to talk with YOU the Animation Tier about ideas I was having for upcoming animations and with the release of the 3rd May GIF preview I felt it was a good time!

Right. Off. The. Bat.

This is merely a test of the waters when it comes to ideas. I want your opinion and then I have to figure out what I MIGHT do to merge your opinions and ideas into Patreon animations. I’m not promising anything – just asking for your feedback.

The GENERAL question at hand is “Would you like to see more ‘sexual’ scenes in the animations?” This is not me wanting to change the nature of the Patreon from growth and transformation! It’s mostly to add some variety and changeup to the animations. 

The plan is always to keep the focus on the BE/GTS and FMG transformations. 

Those standards are not going anywhere! Read that again before you comment! The Patreon is about breast expansion, giantess growth and female muscle growth. As any of you longtime fans know I have an EXTREMELY long history focused primarily on breast expansion and giantess growth.  I love those subjects and I still draw comics about them. Long ago I added sex scenes to the comics and I felt they improved the variety a lot. I think that can work here too but I would love to hear from you. 

A general note 

Before you jump in the comments with suggestions about the KINDS of sexual acts you might want to see (or NOT see) please understand one thing. I’m only looking for a broad read of the room at the moment. We can talk specifics but I’m not planning to roll out an animated version of the Kama Sutra next month. 

On that note I feel obliged to add this is not some call to arms for me to cut loose and start drawing or animating stuff you have NEVER (or rarely) seen me draw. I say that to temper suggestions which might stray outside your old pal Ready’s interests. Please look at my body of work in the comics and animations and start there to get an idea of the work I do. There are a LOT of things I just don’t have a lot of interest in drawing. That is not a knock on anyone’s taste or anyone’s ideas, that’s just a fact.

Drawing animation is a LOT of work and what powers your friend Ready Art is a passion for the subject. Trust me, I need to LOVE what I am doing if I am drawing and coloring THOUSANDS of frames of animation a month. It’s just not possible for me to draw a subject I have little or no interest in ‘just for the money’. I love what I do! I want to share that with you!

When and if ANYTHING happens, you can rest assured it will be something we both enjoy or it won’t happen. It’s very important to get your feedback. I use that feedback to make reasonable and doable adjustments based on my preferences. I think I have said this before but we are a TEAM here, there are a LOT of us and the Animation Tier isn’t a personal commission slot. 

Patreon Guidelines

Relate to the above, I always work to stay inside Patreon guidelines. Patreon has been awesome to me. My dealings with their team to date have been nothing but smooth. Anytime we’ve interacted it’s been professional, polite and ended well. My content doesn’t tend to straddle any of limits they’ve set and I want to keep it that way. I’m not looking to fight any battles with them and honestly there’s no reason to. The content of this Patreon is well within their guidelines. 

The Poll

Check out the poll below and vote as much as you like for as many things as you think describe your interest or non-interest. Comment below after you have read everything if you have ideas, comments or questions. 

There is NO timetable for implementation at the moment! Haha! I have sprinkled some ‘devices’ into the latest animations mostly to get a feel for interest and this post is a follow-up to that.

Thank you AGAIN for your support! I have really been enjoying working on the animations and want to keep bringing you more!


PS. Depending on how this post goes I might do a follow-up post with you about how other creators are handling their depictions of sexual acts on Patreon and your experiences (if any) with them. 


Louis Thomas

could person to person be lesbian stuff?


Well, here's the thing. If you read above you will notice me mentioning using the comics and my prior work as a guideline for suggestions. If you have NEVER seen me draw it then it likely is outside my wheelhouse or interest. Girl to girl isn't really something I draw in any of my work so........ (Not that there's anything wrong with it but it's not so much in my 'interest'. )


Would you ever do gender bender stuff? I feel a guy that turns into a muscle/GTS woman would be interesting. Not many animators cover this and just thought it'd be hot to watch.


Though my answer probably isn't the one you'd prefer I'm glad you asked. Similar to the above question about a lesbian theme; it's not really anything I'm into or focus on in any of my art. That's not a condemnation of your idea or anything but gender bender stuff isn't really a big interest for me.


Well, I don't really see this option in the poll, some options are kinda similar but I wanted to drop a comment about it It's just my personnal opinion, but sexual even are not what I'm looking for here, but it doesn't really bother me, we have to see how it's presented, for exemple, the "sexual ending" of the skyscraper animation with Trisha and Luna was really fun, so we will see, I'll sure drop a note about it when this animation is released


I wonder of you'd be interested in a woman growing from suckling another's nipple or growing after drinking/ being blasted by the already grown women's lactation?


Yep, that is something I emphasized a few times in the post but I will repeat it here. This Patreon is NOT about sexual events. It's about BE/GTS and FMG transformations. This is merely a post to get the feel for adding them as a bit of variety. The way you vote 'against' it is by using the options focusing on transformations. I have a couple of those above.


The blasted thing I have done in the comics for sure. The nipple sucking I have only done (as far as I recall) with a male sucking a female. As for female to female that sounds interesting but it's basically girl on girl in terms of interest to me. As always, I want to stress I am just expressing MY OPINION on the matter and not looking to judge any type of coupling. For me personally, female to female isn't a big driver of my work or my interest.


I'm not against it. As a matter of fact, combining sex and growth is my favorite which is what you already do in the comics and I would love to see it on video. However, you might have to balance both sex events and growth or have them grow while having a sex event or whatever.


Yep, to reiterate. The patreon is about BE/GTS and FMG growth and focus on those growths. Anything extra is mostly to sprinkle in variety and not meant to pull away from basic transformation action!


Would you ever add in some female weight gain animations/transformations ?


That's an interesting question since I have done some small amount of belly inflation in the comics. A very small amount to be clear. Nothing like that has happened in the animations at this point. To answer your question more directly there might be some odd or random belly inflation down the line in the animations. Maybe even something you might call a true weight gain sequence. It’s not a totally unthinkable concept since I’ve always had a fondness for things like Willy Wonka’s Violet scene (though I don’t know if that falls into true weight gain). To be clear though, it’s not a huge focus of the animations or really a thing I have a lot of personal interest in (see the above post for more on how that affects the work). So, possibly a one off or rare thing to vary stuff up but not likely to become a norm on the Patreon. Hope that helps and thank you so much for the support! -Ready


Maybe seeing a growth animation were the girls have a pajama party with different kinds of slippers like unicorn slippers and Pink Fuzzy slippers and that


Hey!!!!! I like that idea! I'm putting it on the list! Interesting enough, another recent fav was voted by the people here (the beach party/swimsuit episode Bombshell) which I liked quite a lot and think others enjoyed too! That was all via your suggestions so it pays to chime in!