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**Also - I added the character sheets as an attachment if you need a refresher on who we are talking about!** 

SORRY FOR THE REDO but we were missing Vivian from the Character poll - PLEASE PROCEED - Again!!!

***Animation Tier Only*** 

To be super clear - this is for the May 2020 animation!

POLL ENDS April 29th!!!!

We have combined the characters and the regular polling options. 


Options that have  Character: [Name of person] are to help pick who YOU would like to see in the upcoming animation!

Remember to vote for all the options you enjoy!

This is the monthly animation poll where YOU get to weigh in with your vote or comment (or direct message if you prefer) about what you would like to see more of AND what you are enjoying!

The idea here is your vote is what I use to understand what's popular and what's not so popular. So, if something gets a LOT of votes from the crew then I think "Hey, they probably want to see MORE of this". Now, if something gets a few votes then I don't immediately toss it in the trash but I do put it at a lower importance when it comes to the monthly animations. 

You see, I can't do everything for everyone BUT I do my best to make sure I'm hitting the highlights as well as adding in some of the variety you enjoy. It's WELL WORTH your time to vote and weigh in. 

Check out the options below and vote! If you have a personal add - write it in the comments and I'll make a note. 

Remember - this is about YOU telling me what you are enjoying. I use YOUR input with my overall direction to focus the animations! More info here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/33244512 

Poll for the Animation Tier

The poll's goal is to create focus and get more direct feedback from you. Mostly I want to know what you are liking so I can do more of the things you want. Let's be direct though, I will still be having ALL THE FUN THINGS you came here for so fear not. We are keeping what you and I like!

On with the poll for the Animation Tier

  • Vote as much as you like!
  • Add a comment below if you want!

Talk with you soon!




Sorry everyone - Hopefully this redo didn't affect too many!




Basically, E V E R Y THING!

BluEthunder Studio

I like all these options, but picked the ones I LOVE


Would like to add an option for two women kissing/making love while growing. Considering your animations have mostly females, it would be cool to have a lesbian option!


I am thinking of diving into the 'making love' option. I've been holding off on it for a hot second since it's not my main focus. That said, I will probably put up a post about what I am thinking in the near-ish future.


Interesting but I don't know if I am getting the question right? Are you asking why don't we just have something like a vote for BE/GTS or FMG? We have that every month BUT if you are asking why not a character that is a BE or FMG centric character we did that last month. We also have a bunch of specific characters to vote for if you like that (Luna, Hannah, etc). This month I am just testing another process out to see where things land is all. haha. I tend to vary up the poll setups to get a decent read of the room from time to time.


Vivian Prince, Ultima, Luna and Trisha<3