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Page from an upcoming comic called Flightplan

I am always working to do new things with the comics and animations and one thing is to do interesting camera shots. I still am super impressed with all those artists that can do seemingly effortless worm's eye or distortion shots. Well, here is one with a giant Luna and some of the crew scampering away.

More to come as I can and hope you enjoy this! If you are new WELCOME and GRAB YOUR REWARDS! It's all linked below!

Thank you again and talk with you soon!



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Dat ass again 😁 She looks good with short hair 😊


Yah, I am a little surprised at how good she looks with the new hairstyle. haha


Maybe she should keep it 😁😇 It remember me a chapter of the Glab comics, when she cuts her hair even shorter, she looked good too 😊