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  • 1. Read the rules
  • 2. Read the rules AGAIN
  • 3. Contest runs till April 25 6pm PST (to allow max amount of people to enter if they want)

OK - that was fun the first time (at least I had fun!) so perhaps we try this again. 

Same basic setup as before. You describe your OC in thirty words or less, if I pick your character, I draw it based off that description alone. This is not a commission PER SE 'cause I am not coming to you for all sorts of reference - I just want the thirty words and THAT IS IT. I will pick ONE person (at least one, maybe more) to draw. 

If you don't have an original character feel free to make one up. Thirty words is not too much and you might win!

OK - the RULES - Read 'em!


  • First of all this is just for fun so let's keep that spirit!
  • In the comments below describe your OC (ORIGINAL CHARACTER) in THIRTY WORDS OR LESS. 
  • If you JUST WON LAST MONTH then you will have to sit out this one. Come on folks, time for others to win! haha
  • Write down anything you think is important or interesting since if you win this will be what I draw your character from.
  • These need to be characters MADE UP BY YOU - do not describe other companies or artist's characters as your own.
  • NO links to any images of your OC or anything visual - just the thirty or less words please. I'm going in blind deliberately. 
  • Going over thirty words, trying to game the system or spirit of the contest will get you disqualified. REMEMBER THIS! 
  • One entry per person and if you submit more than one you are disqualified. 
  • Winner gets a Ready Art drawing of their OC, or something along those lines based on their description (see previous winners for an idea of what to expect)
  • No need to tell me the name of your OC unless you REALLY think it's important and YES the name counts as part of the 30 words.
  • Some obvious disclaimers and consideration - no underage OC's please, I am also looking for winners that fit in my established wheelhouse. Just look at my art and if you see me regularly draw it, that's a good start. If you have never (or rarely) seen me draw it, then there is a lesser chance I will pick a character with those characteristics. 
  • SUBMISSIONS END SATURDAY NIGHT APRIL 25 at 6pm PST (Pacific Standard Time, USA West Coast)
  • Winners will likely be drawn sometime in May 2020. All winning entries will be publicly posted so even if you leave the Patreon you can get at them.
  • Like I said - this is for fun so have at it!  Get on it! 



Blonde college equestrian with braids tucked into riding helmet, large breasts under button down shirt and blazer. Skin tight riding pants, and leather riding boots- English style.

Louis Thomas

A girl with bright blond curly hair done up in twintails, quite pale white skin, and rosey red cheaks with an adorable smile in poka dot bra and panties

Mookie Johnson

Light skinned black woman with natural hair, strong sensual confident personality, shapely and thick with natural beanbag sized boobs and thumb sized nipples and constantly chewing/blowing pink bubblegum bubbles


Samantha. She is 5.3, blonde, not slim but not fat either, she has a foot fetish, has teal nails on hands and feet, nails are long, wears flip flops.


Lauren, a shy, cute, slender brunette with small breasts, green eyes and rectangular glasses, her hair in a ponytail, she is a scientist, she loves underwear with cute prints. 😇


Confident, powerful boxing coach with twist braid, emerald eyes and fist wrapped by cloth, fit and tall with specific mind on training, love to wear short pants.


Erin - slim, petite Scottish blonde with hair worn down. Wears jeans, hoodie and vans. Average sized breasts and sexy but average sized butt. Extremely casual woman, likes to drink.