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Hello there and thank YOU for supporting the Animation Tier. New or Returning Patron, either way I APPRECIATE YOUR TIME!

The March Animation is wrapping up as we speak. All the animation is done and we are effectively down to the final editing of the cuts and finishing the sound pass. 

Expect it to go up tonight! I will try to get it to you as soon as I can but I want to be realistic and not overpromise. haha

Thank you again and excited to get you this one!


Sunday Release and release times in general for all my friends across the globe!

I get asked about this from time to time and wanted to restate the general intent when I say things like 'releasing Sunday night' or 'this will be out Friday night'. 

Overall when I say "night" the goal currently is to get it up between 4pm UTC -8 and midnight UTC -8 (these are West Coast of the United States times). That's an eight hour release window I know but I always work to have things up as early as I can.  



I'm so hurry to see it 😊