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Time for some rear end growth with Karen! BOOM!

More previews on the way and the final will be up Sunday Night the 29th!

Things to expect in the March Animation shipping Sunday Night the 29th!

Here are some things to expect based off last month's Animation Tier poll. This is where the Animation Tier tells me what they like and I work it into the month's animations. Let's be clear here, the poll is one way YOU get to make the calls around here. When you see one up it's worth a look and a vote. That way you KNOW you are being heard.

  • FMG - slightly edging out BE this month, this will coincide with the Karen and Vivian inclusion
  • BE - of course, come on people - it's not Ready Art if there is no BE
  • GTS - same as above! haha
  • Slower growth - we will have some slower over time scenes for you!
  • Pleasurable growth - Love this one and it's popular with you too!
  • A woman pleasuring herself during growth - you asked for it you will get it!
  • Clothes destruction - 1000000% happening
  • Curvey women - we have the cast for it and you will be seeing it
  • Muscled women - the types will lean towards athletic and the hyper muscled!
  • Butt growth - gaining ground as a favorite

Also, on the list though not the top getters (these are added as I can!) 

  • Skin change - this is on my list seeing as we have Vivian
  • Crazed looks and surprised expressions from the ladies growing
  • Explosive growth 

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Hey Ready, are you gonna do another round for suggestions on what to do after this one? Cause I still want to push my idea for having these girls at the beach (ya know, for the coming approach of summer). No explanations are necessary as to how someone could _allow_ this situation, but this is Growth Lab, everyone has the idiot ball.