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From the contest here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/34791189 


I gathered all the submissions into a list, did some hocus pocus and got three names!

  • Overall winner - "A guy not named Umana"
  • 2nd - "Buck"
  • 3rd - "Blue"

I will be drawing all three of these and posting them publicly for all to see. The deadline I have set is the end of April for all of them to be done. This is to ensure I can get the March animation complete, my commissions out of the way and put in some time on these. I would LOVE to get them done sooner but do not want to over promise at the moment. As I mention - the finals will be public for all to see (the public post will be on deviantArt, the patrons here will get a post too of course!). 

If you didn't win then DO NOT FRET! We will have more events you can participate in and I will do my best to make them fair and fun for all!

Thank you again for your support and don't forget to GRAB YOUR REWARDS!! There are bonus comics people! Get 'em!



BONUS COMICS till the end of April

Quick Links for new and returning patrons looking for rewards & info, check these out:



Hey, not trying to goof on what you are saying but what does "commissions" mean in this context? Am I doing commissions? Are these images commissions? Do you want a commission? Not sure how to read it. haha


Oh hell yeah, Nice. I won. Also, you have commissions to do? Was there a small window I missed to opt in?


I am referring to the custom art slot of the Patreon. You didn't miss anything! haha