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Quick note, this writeup was also added to the post about the Patreon and how you make it awesome which is linked in every update!  

Hey all and welcome to an episode of your favorite show – “How the Patreon works for YOU!”

Today's’ topic is an easy one! How do I (and you) decide the characters, transformations and general direction of the monthly animations? 

The short answer: everything comes from the monthly patron animation poll so if you are in the Monthly Animation Tier - VOTE. That is where it all starts for each month’s work. PERIOD, end sentence! Haha

The longer answer is the poll becomes my template for the animation. I look at the results and layout the rough plot which is based of my *ahem* “storytelling” and characters in the Growth Lab universe. Generally speaking, there are characters who are representative of certain transformation types (BE/GTS, FMG, etc.). If a bunch of people want to see FMG then there are people like Karen, Vivian and to some extent Hannah who are focused on those types of transformation. BE/GTS tend to be Luna, Trisha, Olivia and more. 

As time goes on, I add and pull characters based on my interest and the patron feedback. Lest you think the whole thing is COMPLETELY under the control of the vote, it is not. At least when it comes to the story and direction of the various animations (types of shots, scenes, etc.). I think the way the system is now allows the maximum amount of input from the friends & fans here and lets me have enough freedom to make something I think is fun. Fun is a great motivator for me. Believe me when you are drawing thousands of frames of animation you better have great motivation! Hahahah

“What about the characters I like Ready?” or “What happened to [fill in the blank]? I loved her!” 

OK, one thing to know is I rotate the characters appearances in the animations. The reason is for variety the needs of the polls (see above). Sure, one month may have less character X and more character Y but it does even out. I keep an Excel sheet and track the types of transformations as well as the people in the animations very carefully. It’s a process but that level of organization really helps.

“What about [fill in the blank] transformations Ready? I vote all the time and they never get top votes!”

That’s a good question and I actually keep track of all the poll votes and look to work in even the very low vote getters as I can. The focus will always be on the top votes but the other ones are always counted! HOPE IS NOT LOST.

“Can’t we just get a whole animation with ONLY [fill in the blank] transformation!?! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!”

Yes, for some it would be amazing but we are a group here and what some like the others might not. I think the glorious thing we have here is there seems to be an innate understand we are a team. When we work together and share, we all win. That cooperative spirit is what has gotten us this far and I want that to continue on forever. 

The animation tier is NOT a private commission for individual patrons. 

I would LOVE to make hundreds of personal 10-minute animations for each person ever y month but I am only one person doing all this. To that end we are here together and sharing the fun all around. 

I see the core of the Animation Tier as Breast Expansion, Giantess Transformation and Female Muscle Growth all set in my Growth Lab Universe. I want this to go on and bring you MORE minutes of animation and all sorts of bonuses. 

OK, enough rambling and back to the latest and greatest for me!

As always, if you have comments or question, you can comment or DM me here. I am always listening and want YOU to enjoy the Patreon!

Thank you!




Well done, you do everything right and listen to each opinion of your supporters. It is valuable to everyone.


Hey! Really appreciate the comment and thank you. I work very hard to make sure everyone gets the art they want. What really helps is we have a great crew here with the friend and fans in this Patreon! Thank you so much for your support!