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So, Trish is a person who  showed up first in the animations. She was made as a new character to play off Luna, Hannah and Karen who are all semi serious people. She's shy, somewhat introverted and trying to do her best in the wacky world of growing people we call the GLab Universe.

It seems (at least as far as I can tell) she's somewhat popular so I thought you might enjoy a look at some of her background. 

Some quick notes

  • Went straight from high school to working in the armed forces
  • Killian AFB is her current assignment but she worked at another post for a couple years before this.
  • She can repair and maintain space flight shuttles
  • She can repair and maintain nearly any land vehicle at her base (and many outside the base)
  • Enjoys working in her garage on weekends. 

More of these sheets to come down the line. Don't have any idea who might be next, this is mostly a 'as I feel the mood' thing!

Back to work on your animations and art  and I will talk with you soon!






Considering how often Luna and the others give in and become addicted to growing having a character like trish who consistently resist and is embarrassed by it is a nice change of pace to contrast the others


I know, I do like her as a contrast overall to the others. She's a lot of fun to draw too!